IAPWS Certified Research Needs
IAPWS Certified Research Needs (ICRNs) represent the
considered opinion of experts in the field that research on a particular
subject is needed. They are often developed as a response to the
inavailability of adequate data of a particular kind. They consist
of a statement of the problem, a statement of the industrial need, a contact
person, and an expiration date. No funding is available from IAPWS,
but the ICRNs may be copied and attached to proposals to funding agencies.
Note that all ICRNs are numbered, but some numbers in the
sequence are not listed on this page because the corresponding ICRN
has expired or has not yet been issued.
List of Active ICRNs
Expired ICRNs
Note that these expired ICRNs and closing statements include contact details of IAPWS personnel at the time the
ICRN was active. These details could be out of date now. Please contact the
Executive Secretary if any further information is needed.
[1] Evaluation of Binary Nucleation Models.
Issued September 1993. Expired August 2004.
Closing Statement, November 2005.
IAPWS Contact: F. Marsik
[2] Solubility of Sodium Sulphate in Superheated Steam.
Issued September 1993. Expired September 2001.
Closing Statement, October 2001.
IAPWS Contact: K. Daucik
[3] Solubility of Spinels in the Chemical Conditions of Nuclear Reactors.
Issued September 1993. Expired September 1996.
[4] Interaction Between Sodium Salts (Phosphates, Sulfates, Silicates, Borates)
and Transition Metal Oxides.
Issued September 1993. Expired September 1996.
[5] Origin, Behavior, and Fate of Organics in the Power Cycle
and their Impact on Chemical Specifications.
Issued September 1993. Expired August 2004.
Closing Statement, July 2006.
[6] Thermophysical Properties of Ammonia-Water Mixtures.
Issued June 1994. Expired September 2002.
Closing Statement, July 2002.
[7] Carryover Coefficients of Salts and Metal Contaminants in Boiler Water.
Issued June 1994. Expired June 1997.
[8] Development of an Accurate External Reference Electrode for Use in
High Temperature and High Pressure Aqueous Solutions.
Issued August 1994. Expired August 1997.
IAPWS Contact: S. Lvov
[9] Thermodynamic Models for Transition-Metal/Water Systems under Steam Generator Conditions.
Issued September 1994. Expired September 2000.
IAPWS Contact: P. Tremaine
[10] pH Measurements and Potentiometric Studies of Supercritical Aqueous Solutions.
Issued May 1996. Expired September 2009.
Closing Statement, August 2011.
IAPWS Contacts: S. Lvov and D. Palmer
[11] Properties of Salts in Steam.
Issued May 1996. Expired September 2001.
[12] Kinetics of the Oxygen and Hydrogen Electrode Reactions in
Subcritical and Supercritical Aqueous Systems.
Issued September 1998. Expired September 2001.
IAPWS Contact: S. Lvov
[13] Surface Tension of Aqueous Solutions.
Issued September 1998. Expired September 2009.
Closing Statement, August 2011.
IAPWS Contact: F. Gabrielli
[14] Thermophysical Properties of Humid Air and Combustion Gas Mixtures.
Issued July 2002. Expired September 2011.
Closing Statement, September 2011.
IAPWS Contact: R. Span
[15] Thermodynamic Properties of Metastable Steam.
Issued July 2002. Revised September 2005. Expired September 2011.
Closing Statement, September 2011.
IAPWS Contact: J. Hruby
[18] Decomposition of Ion Exchange Resins.
Issued September 2006. Expired September 2009.
Closing Statement, July 2010.
IAPWS Contact: K. Daucik
[19] Improved Coolant Sampling and Analysis of
Low Concentration Metals (Fe, Cu, Co, etc.).
Issued September 2006. Expired September 2009.
Closing Statement, October 2014.
IAPWS Contact:
D. Lister
[20] Sensors for Use at Elevated Temperature in the Plant Cycle of the Power Industry.
Issued September 2006. Revised and extended September 2011. Expired September 2014.
Closing Statement, December 2014.
IAPWS Contacts:
S. Uchida
and D. Lister
[21] Thermophysical Properties Associated with Ultra-supercritical Coal-fired Steam Generators.
Issued September 2009. Expired September 2012.
Closing Statement, October 2012.
IAPWS Contacts:
B. Dooley and
D. Palmer
[23] Dew Point for Flue Gas of Power-Plant Exhaust.
Issued September 2008. Expired September 2012.
Closing Statement, October 2012.
IAPWS Contact:
N. Okita
[24] Thermal Conductivity of H2O at Low Pressures
and High Temperatures.
Issued September 2009. Revised and extended October 2012. Expired July 2015.
Closing Statement, July 2015.
IAPWS Contact:
A. Harvey
[27] Thermodynamic Properties of Humid Gases
and CO2-Rich Mixtures.
Issued September 2011. Expired September 2014.
Closing Statement, September 2018.
IAPWS Contacts:
R. Span and
A. Harvey
Updated March 16, 2020
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IAPWS Certified Research Needs