The Industrial Requirements and Solutions (IRS) Working Group focuses on the calculation of thermodynamic properties of water and aqueous systems for industrial applications. Composed of experts from industry and academia, the group conducts research aimed at developing fast and accurate models and formulations for the thermophysical properties of water, steam, aqueous solutions and fluid mixtures relevant for propulsion and power applications. The mission for the IRS WG is to identify and prioritize industrial requirements for water, steam and aqueous systems and work with other IAPWS working groups to deliver solutions which meet the demands of industrial processes. There are specific areas of interest including wet steam (flow analysis, wetness measurement, erosion), fast calculation using table look-up method like SBTL (Spline Based Table Look-up method) and mixed steam with CO2 for geothermal application. Some topics are partially covered by existing ICRNs.
Current activities include the following:
In 2008, IAPWS approved ICRN23, ”Dew Point for Flue Gas of Power-Plant Exhaust” for coal-fired fossil power plants, but it was closed in 2013 due to lack of participation. Now, the needs are for estimation of dew point for low sulfur natural gas fuel applicable to gas turbine combined cycle power plants (GTCC). The working group would propose a new estimation method for GTCC application. A theoretical approach with reliable data is pursued jointly with PCAS and PCC and is to be summarized in a white paper, which (or a part of which) is going to be a TGD (Technical Guidance Document).
This activity aims at providing validation tests and requirements to check that the custom-specific IF97 implementation (possibly in computer languages other than Fortran) fully complies with the IF97 standard. This should require testing of sample values, limits and out of limits handling, error handling, backward functions consistency, regions boundaries behavior, etc. The task will be carried out in close collaboration between the IRS and TPWS groups.
To respond to the urgent need for fast and accurate fluid property calculations for industrial applications, the IRS group strives to propose the SBTL-Method (see IAPWS Guideline on the Fast Calculation of Water and Steam Properties with the Spline-Based Table Look-Up Method (SBTL)) to become a new international industrial formulation (Release). This does not preclude the parallel quest for further new industrial formulations, which can be then incorporated in the SBTL framework. Once a new scientific formulation becomes available it should be used to update the newly developed SBTL functions.
For further information, please contact the Working Group officers:
Chair: Francesca di Mare,,
Ruhr-University Bochum
Vice-Chair: Richard Harwood,, Siemens Energy, USA
This page updated July 15, 2024 >> Working Groups >> IRS