IAPWS Gibbs Award

The IAPWS Gibbs Award is given at each International Conference on the Properties of Water and Steam (ICPWS) to a distinguished scientist or engineer who has made substantial contributions to the development of knowledge on the properties of water, steam and aqueous solutions at high temperatures and pressures, as well as to other areas of underlying science and technology of interest to IAPWS.

Nominations may be made by any Member (national committee) of IAPWS or by an IAPWS Working Group. A committee, consisting of representatives from each IAPWS Working Group, chooses the winner from among the nominees at the Annual IAPWS meeting in the year prior to the award. The winner recieves a medal and a trip to the ICPWS to present a keynote lecture.

The past recipients of the IAPWS Gibbs award are as follows:

Year Gibbs Award Winner
1999 Professor E.U. Franck, University of Karlsruhe
2004 Professor R.H. Wood, University of Delaware
2008 Prof. em. Dr.-Ing. W. Wagner, Ruhr-University Bochum
2013 Prof. Digby Macdonald, University of California
2018 Prof. Roberto Fernández Prini, University of Buenos Aires


This page updated September 11, 2018